Cat Run
The room isn’t done yet, but Mike built a cat run in our exercise room. This may be the best gift of Christmas!
The litter boxes are in the storage room behind the exercise room, so the exercise room was always furry and tracked with litter. Now the cats can pass through the exercise room in their run (connected by two cat doors) but can’t get the exercise room dirty. There is nothing less motivating at 5 am than the thought of having to clean a room to be able to exercise!
The run is made of plexiglass, so the cats can still watch and see what we are up to — but can’t try to chew on my hair when I’m on the floor doing crunches. This is another big win!
We have a TV on the far wall, so now I can watch Netflix on a larger screen while I’m biking too — and this has been quite enjoyable! I had been watching Netflix on my phone, but I expect I’ll be more productive with this setup! I finished the Queen’s Gambit a few weeks ago and I’m currently watching Bridgerton!
If you’re a Peloton fan – I’m #Rides4DoleWhip