Have yourself…
a merry little Christmas…
We are in full holiday prep mode here at Chez Weitl. It will just be the five of us for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, but I am sure we won’t lack for holiday cheer. I’m planning lots of cookie baking and festive meals, plus some other fun activities together. I’m also hoping for brisk walks with Chip and time to read by the fire and the Christmas tree! We will be having our traditional Christmas brunch of Sticky Buns and breakfast casserole, plus all of the Christmas goodies we can ingest! We finally found some hot chocolate bombs which are delicious and I’m sure will be involved in our brunch menu!
Clara has worn Christmas apparel every day for school this month and this week has been Christmas Spirit Week as part of their virtual learning. Both Clara and Anna have had fun this week participating in the days, including an all white day to dress like snow and today’s – dress like your favorite Christmas character. They are Prancer and Blitzen.
Even though I’m prepared, I can’t believe Christmas is so close! We’ve done so much but part of me still feels like it’s March…
We had a sprinkling of snow yesterday, which Chip enjoyed eating. This is his sad face when I made him come back inside. I wouldn’t mind a white Christmas this year!
What’s your favorite holiday tradition? How have you had to modify your Christmas plans this year due to the pandemic?