I’m back…
Welcome! Or Welcome Back!
I’m returning from a 6-year hiatus from blogging!
It’s been a crazy 6 years and I have so much catching up to do! Many moments and stories will be lost forever in the abyss of Instagram (@Jweitl5 and @travelmomphd) and on Snapchat (@Jweitl5) but I hope I can recap some of the highlights here, over time.

The Cliff’s Notes version of the last 6 years and where we are now:
- We are still in rural Illinois and the trio still attends a private school. The foundation of those aspects of our lives hasn’t changed!
- Clara is 10 and has a kind soul. She drives me crazy when she doesn’t clean her room, but loves purple, cats, art, dancing, and swimming. She’s funny and smart and amazing.
- Anna is also 10 (that twin thing…!) and is such a spitfire! She is destined to be a CEO. She loves neutral colors, animals, art, tumbling, swimming, and reading.
- Bo is 12 and in 6th This boy is a voracious reader and remembers everything. Last year, he participated in golf, track, and swimming and this year we are adding Scholastic Bowl to the mix. He’s a good mix of Mike and myself!

- Mike is doing well. We’ve been married for almost 16 years and he is still the manager at the local Social Security office where we were transferred before the girls were born. His latest hobby is exercising daily, which basically makes me feel like Jack Spratt’s wife most of the time. 😉

- Laura is still my local bestie and her love of travel, as well as her own trio, provides plenty of fodder for long conversations! I still keep in touch with Mandy too, even though I don’t see her as often as I wish I could. I am blessed to have a solid friend group who have supported me through all of the crazy of the last six years!

- I started my Ph.D. the day after Anna and Clara started Kindergarten. They are now in 5th grade and I’m officially a Ph.D. graduate! Hence, one of the many reasons there was no time for blogging!
- I spent the last 7 years as a full-time Assistant Professor for Ashford University and they paid for a portion of my Ph.D. That position ended on January 3rd and I finished my dissertation on January 6th – capping my time at Ashford nicely.
- Just over 5 years ago, I decided to be a travel agent “for fun” – it has grown and developed in ways I never dreamed! I currently lead 11 agents for my branch, Pineapple Escapes. I fell in love with travel and with the business! It’s funny the paths life leads us down…
- We’ve had the opportunity to travel with the trio all over the world – all four of the main islands in Hawaii, Disney, Universal, San Diego, Disney Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Mediterranean Cruise, South Africa and a safari, Iceland, Ireland, Copenhagen, London, Paris, Disneyland Paris, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, New York, Punta Cana, St. Pete Beach, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Arizona, Bahamas, etc. We’ve traveled so much and made so many memories!

- There have been some high-highs and some low-lows. Getting a Ph.D. while working full-time and raising a family is not for the faint of heart…
So here I am, 6 years later – many aspects of my life are the same. I’m still busy raising my trio. I still fold laundry on my bed every week. But the heart of who I am has changed. I finished the Ph.D. because I started it and because I know that I can never have too much education. But my heart – my heart has changed. This new passion for travel has taken over my life and my thoughts. I’m constantly thinking about travel – for others and myself – and thinking of new ways to grow and expand my travel agency branch.
And now I’m starting to blog again! While I’m sure I’ll still talk about the trio (a bit more cautiously now that they are older and can read everything I write!) and about our lives, I hope to mostly discuss our adventures, travel, and my passion.
I hope you’ll join me on this new journey and as I develop Travel Mom, Ph.D.

Welcome back! 🙂
I’m so excited you’re back blogging. Can’t wait to read all about your travel adventures and add places to our never ending bucket list.