Pandemic 2020
Just a few weeks ago, the world we are living in right now wasn’t even on my radar. I’ve tried to post several times over the last few weeks and it is challenging to write about travel when the travel industry has truly been halted and many small businesses are struggling. I feel like we are in the Twilight Zone!
Of all of the doomsday scenarios I’ve created in my mind, this pandemic is not one I had considered. No school. No travel. Stay at home. Shortages of flour. What is even happening??!!?
Despite the challenges, we have been trying to make the best of it. I’ll admit that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed having time at home with the kids, cooking many delicious meals and trying new recipes, going for walks and bike rides, playing games, and just sitting on our back deck. Our normal life is typically so hectic that there is not much downtime — and even with Mike still at work, working from home, and the trio eLearning — without all of our extra-curricular activities, we have had lots of extra time to be together. I feel like I’ve been able to connect and just be with my family more in the last three weeks than we have in a long time — which is an aspect that I always enjoy when we are traveling as well. This part of the pandemic has been a hidden blessing.
I’ve been posting some of our stay-at-home fun on my Instagram page – TravelMomPhD. We’ve been cooking, crafting, and reading a lot! The trio have truly been troopers throughout all of this — this time reminds me so much of when they were little and we spent a lot of our time at home. It’s been nice to be back in that stage for a bit, with older and more functional kiddos! I feel lucky that my kids are ages where they can help with many tasks around the house and we can make something like cooking dinner into a fun activity!
In mid-February, Pineapple Escapes became our own agency and I’m officially an agency owner. Luckily, my extensive education has made me well prepared for filling out a million forms and jumping through hoops. It’s become increasingly obvious that this was the right step for my Pineapple Escapes team and I have no doubt that all of our hard work will pay off when this worldwide crisis passes. At this point, I’m looking at this time as a great way to make sure all of the aspects of our business are in place and ready for the future. Brighter days are ahead and wanderlust will abound! I have no doubt!
Despite trying to look on the bright side, it has been awful to cancel so many vacations for my clients – many that were long-awaited and my clients were so excited for… Even though we know we will travel again, the unknown of when this will end and the crazy economic times makes it all extra challenging. There is definitely sadness about missed vacations, despite the hidden blessings of being at home.
And it’s been sad for our family too. We should be on a plane right now — on our way to Lima, Peru for our big Spring Break trip to Machu Picchu. I’ve rescheduled everything for Thanksgiving week, but there is still a part of me that is sad that we aren’t going on our adventure now — I definitely miss traveling! The wanderlust is real. 🙂
We are all well and healthy at this point though, and for that, I am grateful! In the midst of all of the chaos, I do think the pandemic has shown that sometimes you really do have it all — right in your own home.