Swim Meets, Pumpkins, and Chip — Oh my!
Last week was a crazy week. It started out well with a walk and trip to Cracker Barrel with a friend and then it just all fell apart with a string of bad news and craziness.
However, it was still a good week. Highlights of the week included a pizza date in Ottawa with Mike, several meetings to start the process of starting our own podcast for my travel agency (eek!), swim, #ONEDAYHH on Instagram, and Mike having off work on Friday. Plus lots of other work for the business and with my content strategist position. It was a busy week that left me exhausted but grateful.
On Saturday, the trio participated in their first swim meet of the year and their first swim meet ever as Ottawa Dolphins. They had a great meet, with Bo and Clara swimming all best times and Bo breaking 30 seconds in his 50 back with a time of 29.88 in the relay. Bo was so excited and so were the boys on his relay team. The trio all commented that their new team “feels more like a team.” Honestly, I couldn’t care less what their times are — I’m just happy that they are happy and enjoying being a part of the team. It’s always hard to make decisions that involve big changes — but so far, this has been one of the best decisions we have made.
We ended up having two movie nights over the weekend. On Friday evening we watched the Hunger Games and on Sunday we watched Catching Fire. We will have to find time to watch Mockingjay soon. Bo has the new prequel downstairs (he read it the day it was released) and I need to read it to catch up with the series. I love the Hunger Games series books and movies!
On Saturday evening, Anna and Clara had Cara spend the night and Bo spent the night with Cara’s older brother, Cade. We always enjoy spending time with both Cade and Cara and the girls loved having Cara over on Saturday evening.
On Sunday, we took Chip to pick out our pumpkins. We hope we will be able to carve them Tuesday evening so they are ready for Halloween. Chip enjoyed walking around and smelling all of the pumpkins — and we even picked out a small one for him!
Today has not gone according to plan, but hopefully the rest of the week will look up for us!
Meals from last week:
Monday – I fed the trio breakfast for dinner – scrambled eggs, biscuits, fruit, and yogurt and then Mike and I tried the new pizza place in Ottawa while they were swimming. It was delicious and this may become a regular Monday night date for us.
Tuesday – spaghetti, Cesar salad, bread
Wednesday – homemade chicken noodle soup – I had originally planned to make chicken and wild rice soup, but I was out of wild rice, so I morphed the recipe into chicken noodle. It was a hit and everyone ate it – even Anna!
Thursday – We picked up Chipotle on the way home from swim. It was just one of those days…
Friday – slow cooker French wine and mustard chicken – this was delish and I will definitely make again. Anna wouldn’t touch it, but the rest of us enjoyed it! I made it with mashed potatoes with cream and brown butter! I also made homemade apple cider – which made the house smell amazing but had a bitter undertone that I couldn’t place, so we didn’t love it.
Saturday – Anna and Clara had their friend Cara over to spend the night so we ordered pizza.
Sunday – slow cooker potato soup (I use milk instead of cream typically) and ham and cheese paninis. I also made pumpkin muffins again since they were such a hit last week.