Upcoming Travels
My two upcoming trips spiraled quite quickly in our agent group!
A few weeks ago, one of my agents posted this photo of a pineapple cookie…
Within a few hours, four of us had flights booked to go to Orlando to eat said cookie. We leave on Sunday. ???
We will also be going to Epcot, Hollywood Studios, and Universal. I guess when your agency is called Pineapple Escapes you have to jump on the pineapple cookie bandwagon!
Yesterday, it was pretty much the same scenario. I posted asking for times when the agents could be available for an online training and it quickly spiraled into a trip to Punta Cana. At least three of us will be heading to Secrets Cap Cana in early February.
I am lucky to have a great group who loves to travel and jumps when opportunities present themselves. I firmly believe that one of the most important traits of an amazing travel agent is having firsthand experiences to share with our clients. When we travel together, we always work and talk about travel, but we have so much fun too! I’m so glad to have these trips to look forward to in February — February is always the longest month here in the grey, cold, snowy Midwest — and the month when I want to escape the most!