Travel Tidbits
I promised a more upbeat post and luckily I have one!
On the homefront, Bo is feeling better. He still has a very sore throat but his fever seems to be gone and his appetite has never left. It’s difficult quarantining him, but he seems happy with unlimited internet and consistent food deliveries. He also has Ike, Pudge, and Kiki to keep him company. Mike, Clara, Anna, and I are still fine and have no symptoms.?? I think we will all appreciate being able to roam freely in our own home after this fiasco!
I’ve been working like a crazy person the last few days to meet a few deadlines, but my reward in the evenings has been spending time working on new graphics for Pineapple Escapes and our new adventure…
Coming soon to all of the major podcast platforms…
I am so excited about our new endeavors and all of the components are in the works to make this podcast a reality! We do not have a release date yet, but we are hoping for early December. Travel Tidbits will be a weekly podcast in the range of 15-30 minutes in length. I will be hosting each week with one of my Pineapple Escapes agents. We have an outline for our first three episodes and can’t wait to share some fun Travel Tidbits with all of you!