Election 2020
Like most people, I’ve had a lot of election anxiety this year. With all that has happened in 2020, it is no wonder that so many of us are on edge. I won’t bore you with my political beliefs here – I taught political science for long enough to know that unless we are close friends or family, there is no reason for me to be anything but straight up the middle. As an instructor, I learned how to balance that line and I’ll maintain that here!
That said, with an undergrad degree in social science and a master’s in political science, plus teaching government and political science for the first 20 years of my career, voting has always been important to me. We’ve been watching the election coverage with the trio (and Bo has been watching from the basement and texting me regarding all of it — he is following it all more closely than I am this year from his quarantine bunker!) as I know all of this – the pandemic, the 2020 election – will be historical. This is going to be a year that is studied and looked back on for years and I want my trio to have a grasp on how to discuss all of it.
Like many of you, I am ready for all of this to be over. The election. The pandemic. We are all seeking some type of normalcy. But day by day and with some patience, we will get there.