Favorite Book Series for Kids
My family is really missing the local library! We’ve always been readers and a weekly library run was part of our routine. All of us love to read and one of our favorite parts of traveling is that we typically make more time for it — on the plane, when we are relaxing at the hotel or resort, etc.
Our extra time at home has definitely given us some extra time for reading and we’ve loved being able to read outside when the weather is nice as well. There is no place I’d rather be than curled up on the back deck with a good book!
Some favorites that my trio have been enjoying:
We are huge Potter nerds at Chez Weitl and all of the kids love the audiobooks, books, and movies. We’ve started rewatching the movies and it amazes me that they can quote the movies nearly word-for-word. A must-read for all of my clients hoping to go to Universal and visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in the near future. I love how the Wizarding World truly brings these books to life.
These take place at various Disney Destinations. Bo read these for the first time a few years ago and loved them since he could relate to the setting so easily. These are a must for any Disney loving family or those with a Disney trip planned for the future.
This is the series that Anna is currently reading. The stories take classic Disney fairytales and twist the plot to make them new again. I’m looking forward to reading this series too!
This is Bo’s current favorite series. He has read these at least three times and they are very long books. I don’t know much about the plot, but Bo reports that there are dragons involved.
The Keeper of the Lost Cities Series
This is another one of Bo’s favorites. When I asked him what books he would like me to buy for him, this series is at the top of his list.
We’ve been reading this series since my trio was tiny. I read the first book aloud to them when they could all three still sit on my lap. This series also focuses on fairytales in a different light.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
This series is a great one and includes tidbits of Greek mythology. I recommend the books over the movies for this series!
Clara is currently rereading this series. We originally listened to this on audiobook in the car when the trio was little and it spurred our trip to South Dakota several years ago. We went to Laura Ingalls homestead and saw a Little House play before heading to Mount Rushmore. It still amazes me what I remember from these books as Clara and I chat about them.
Please share in the comments what your kiddos are reading! We are always looking for new ideas!