No matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on, today was a historic day…
Personally, I’ve watched every inauguration since Bill Clinton in 1993 (I was home sick and remember it vividly) and I’ve been immersed in politics since birth. I still have the Ronald Reagan pin that my grandpa pinned on me when I was three. I went on to major in social sciences and obtained a master’s in political science and eventually taught political science at the college level full-time for 7 years. While my views and values continue to evolve and change, I still enjoy studying, reading about, and learning about our First Families.
Of all of the stories I’ve seen today, the one that touched my heart the most was Jenna Bush Hager’s interview with the Biden grandchildren. All too often we all become so wrapped up in the party lines that we forget to look at the heart of the individuals we are electing into office. The Bush family, Obama’s, and Biden’s are all class acts — with love of their family at their core. And despite party lines and politics, that love speaks volumes.