Life is Beautiful
I’m looking out my office window at the gorgeous fall colors that are starting to appear in my backyard. Fall is my favorite season. I love watching the colors change and the beauty in their progress. It’s rainy this morning, but it isn’t making the colors any less beautiful. Per usual, my photo doesn’t do the real view justice.
This week has beaten me up. Lots of news that isn’t mine to share but that makes my heart ache. So much that is out of my control. Work deadlines looming. At one point this week, Mike texted – “That’s the third bad news text in a row. That should be it, right?” Nope, this was a week that just kept on giving.
However, despite these challenging weeks and continued difficult news, I’ve surprised myself. My own growth and change have allowed me to still see the beauty in the trees, even when it is raining. While I can be sad, challenged, frustrated – I can simultaneously be happy and grateful. I can enjoy the simple pleasures of how homemade apple cider smells as it fills our house. I can hug my trio a little tighter before I send them off to school. I can see the blessings in having a healthy family that I love and in friends who support each other.
Yesterday’s extreme oversharing of my day on Instagram was a phenomenal reminder too — of how good life is, even in the midst of the hard things. A reminder to remember the little things and not to take them for granted.
The overarching theme of this week has been that our health is so important and it can quickly be ripped away. It has been a reminder that our time is limited and that we need to spend it spreading love and kindness. It has been a reminder that some connections, no matter how far apart you may drift, are always there. It’s a reminder to reach out – even when you’re busy and stressed – or maybe even more so when you’re busy and stressed – and touch base with those you love and care about. It’s a reminder to send the FB message, the email, the card, the flowers.
If you’re reading this, most likely we’ve touched each other’s lives in some way. So even if I make your eyeballs roll, I want to say thank you for being a part of my life and my journey. I’m grateful you’re here.???