Quarantine Halloween
Halloween included a candy hunt (think Easter Egg hunt) and we even convinced Bo to come out and participate – social distanced and masked. He is definitely starting to get bored and lonely in his basement quarantine zone. He is feeling better each day though, and the rest of us are still feeling well, so hopefully, we are on our way back to normalcy – or whatever this new normal is!
I know Bo is bored because we have been having long text conversations about YouTube videos of houses he sends me. 🙂
In addition to hunting candy, Clara and Anna carved pumpkins, we made tacos and brownies (trio’s choice), and watched Hocus Pocus. It was sad to not Trick or Treat or have friends over, but we still had a good day.
On Sunday, I decided to take the day completely off. For me, that means no computer — which is basically unheard of. I’ve been saying since last October that I needed a day to sit on the couch, hang with the trio and Mike, cook good food, and read — and I finally did just that! I also rode 30 miles on the Peloton before 6 am, but hey, sometimes that’s what it takes to force me to relax a bit. It was really nice to take a break, but I definitely paid for it yesterday!
On Sunday evening, Clara made a cake in the crockpot. She used Christmas sprinkles and it turned out very good!
Yesterday, the trio was off school (which is why I didn’t post yesterday!) but Mike and I still had work. Mike only worked half a day and then took the afternoon off to hang out with the girls, play Minecraft, and bake cookies.
Today’s Election Day, which seems crazy. What a four years it has been! I am hopeful that there can be a clear winner and no craziness… but it is 2020. We are still quarantined — so it’s back to school online for the trio and working from home for Mike and I for another day.
Meals last week:
Monday: Leftovers
Tuesday: Mississippi roast, mashed potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin cheesecake pie
Wednesday: JW Ranch Chili
Thursday: Steak-n-Shake takeout
Friday: burgers on the grill, fries in the air fryer, Culver’s ice cream pints
Saturday: tacos, brownies
Sunday: deep-dish pizza, crockpot cake (with Christmas sprinkles – made by Clara!)