Today’s the Day…
After 5 months at home, my trio is off to school this morning. These last 5 months have been everything – amazing, frustrating, joyful, exhausting, and everything in between. This time has provided a true reset for our family — to re-evaluate what is important to us, which activities are worth our time, and a reminder that guarding our family-time is critical. While I am so grateful for the extra time I have had with them, I am also very ready for some normalcy and routine (and time to work without interruption!) — even if it is short-lived.
The trio and I have had a LOT of together time. Mike was deemed essential and has been going to an empty office (minus the guard) since this all began. Mike’s employees are working from home, but Mike holds down the fort in the office — meaning that while he is alone all day, I am not. 😉 The longest I’ve been away from the trio (minus my weekend getaway with Mandy) is about 3 hours — long enough for a walk and breakfast with a friend or a filling at the dentist. It’s been a lot of time together… and I think they will be just as grateful for a break from me as I will be to not hear “Mom” every 10 minutes for a few hours this week.
On Wednesday, we headed over to the trio’s school to drop off school supplies, meet their new teachers, and have school pictures taken. They were thrilled to be back at school. I’ve been so impressed with how they have handled all of the chaos of the last few months, but to see their smiles as we walked into school, reminded me how important their school has been in their lives. We’ve been at Holy Family for 9 1/2 years… with 3 years left. When I write it like that, it just seems crazy…
I have a full day planned and my trio will be walking to and from school solo for the first time today. I know they are in 7th and 6th grade (and Bo is bigger than I am), but I’m still nervous about it. Like everything else, I know this is part of the growing process, but goodness… weren’t they tiny just a few days ago?