Well, that was a week…
Well, the first week back at school (virtual) and work wasn’t what any of us would have anticipated. Another crazy week for our country, when we were all so hopeful that 2021 would bring some normalcy…
Besides watching entirely too much news coverage, we had a good week. Bo made it back to the gym and the trio all made it back to art. The pool heater is broken at the Y, so they had another week off of swim, but we are hopeful they will be back in the water later this week.
I had a few meetings, recorded a podcast, walked with my friend Jen, and had a TV delivered that is half the size of our front room. Mike and the kids are thrilled about the TV.
My friend/agent Kate and her kiddos invited us sledding on Friday afternoon, which was a highlight. The trio had a lot of fun until one of Kate’s kiddos was hurt, abruptly ending the fun.
We also trekked to the suburbs on Saturday for a quick run to Ikea and Costco — including carry-out from Shake Shack. It was a nice break to be out of the house for a bit, and Shake Shack even had dog biscuits, so Chip was a happy pup.
My trio is back to in person school today for the first time since October. They were all excited to go back. Chip’s been asleep under my desk all morning, but I know he will be glad when his kids are back home!
Meals last week –
Monday: lasagna (we call it Garfield’s famous as that is how I originally convinced Bo to try it — it’s my mom’s recipe and really easy — I’ll share it here soon), salad, garlic bagels (we forgot to buy garlic bread so I turned bagels into garlic bread — it was unique…)
Tuesday: Fajitas carry-out – enchiladas, tacos, rice and beans
Wednesday: Mississippi Chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans
Thursday: leftovers
Friday: Chicken and noodles (I used the leftover Mississippi chicken and this was really tasty!), mashed potatoes, peas
Saturday: Costco chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes, banana cake
Sunday: leftover pot pie and mashed potatoes
Apparently we are on a mashed potato streak…. 😉