Another Fresh Start
I’ve always lived my life by the school calendar. First as a student, then as a teacher for the last (20!) years. This year, I’m not teaching and the school year will be so different, but the start of school for my trio still feels like the start of a new year and a fresh start.
My trio is scheduled to start back to school next Monday. They attend a local private Catholic school and are supposed to attend 8-2 pm Monday through Friday. Realistically, I have a feeling we will eventually switch back to remote learning as cases increase in our area, but the trio is thrilled and excited to go back. We struggled with the decision more than I’d like to admit, but ultimately decided it was the best choice for our family.
2020 has been filled with big decisions, new directions, and fresh starts… and this blog is one of them! I started this blog at the beginning of the year thinking I would write about all of our travel adventures and catch up on the last 5 years when I didn’t have time to breathe, more or less write about our life! Then COVID hit and writing about destinations where we can’t travel and past trips seemed… like too much. But now I’m ready to shift focus and one of my goals for the 2020/2021 school year is to write a new blog post here every school day.
I’m ready to take the blog in a new direction. There is a shortlist of blogs that I read daily (you can see them in my blog roll at the bottom of the page) and while I admittedly only read a few blogs these days (back in the infertility days I read at least 100!), the ones I do read bring me joy. Blogging has brought me so much happiness and connection over the years (many of my best clients were originally blog readers!) and I’ve struggled with how to move forward with this new blog — keeping it authentically me — while protecting my trio and my heart.
Moving forward, the blog will be taking a new turn. While I know I’ll talk about travel plenty (I’m already planning for Flashback Fridays to talk about past trips and finally catch up with all of those memories), I want to focus on my life, my family, and everything I love. I’ll be talking about Mike, my trio, my friends, and all of my many passions. Traveling, owning a travel agency, reading, cooking, eating, planning/goal setting, writing, listening to podcasts, and my Peloton cult — plus so much more.
It’s not easy to put myself back out there. On my old blog, I wrote about everything — and there are many, many posts that when I read them now (or as has happened recently, the trio reads them and asks me about them…???) I can’t help but laugh at myself – at the naivety of myself at that stage of life… and I’m sure this blog will end up being no different. But the amazing thing is, the connections I’ve made through blogging, and all that I’ve learned about myself through writing and figuring out issues through the written word — it makes me who I am. And I’m happy to continue evolving in this space.

I’ve been a reader for a long time. I really enjoy reading all your posts. It will be fun to have your more frequent posts.
Thank you! I miss having the “regulars” from my old blog and I’m glad you’ll be following along! 🙂