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13 years ago today, 13 days after Bo was born, my Grandpa passed away. For those who may not know, my Grandpa raised me and was the father-figure in my life. I wouldn’t be who I am today without him.
I am sentimental about odd things and as I was searching for a photo this morning, I ran across these letters my Grandpa sent me when I was in college. I came home every weekend to work and spend time with my parents and each week when Grandpa would walk me out to my car so I could drive back to Charleston, he would give me $10 (and no, I couldn’t live on $10, even back then in the dark ages… ?). Typically, these letters showed up at my dorm with $10, when he had forgotten as I was leaving. Those of you who know me and knew him, I hope these make you smile. ???